Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Things You Should Know When Renovating Your Roof

If you are planning to redo your roof, you must go through essential details before it. Keep in mind the current situation and the changes you want in it. If you wish for a massive improvement in the look of your roof, you can make use of the following tips.

Know what you want

Roof installation now has a bunch of designs, including decent, funky and exquisite ones to suit diverse preferences. Therefore, before appointing a contractor, you must decide what you really want. Are you looking for a change? Is there something to be fixed? There may be many questions for you to answer yourself before hiring a professional.

Make sure you hire experts

Another important thing is to get professional help. Many companies have a renowned name in the market for being highly devoted towards their client's needs. Do your research and choose the contractor wisely.

Are wondering what you can do for this? Your task begins as soon as you identify the need to change your roofing. Do your research in the market and check the success rate of companies. You can also do this simply by grabbing your computer and researching online. Many companies will appear but you must go for a trust worthy name. Ask a few people in this field and go through companies' reputations. Visit their office or their website to determine their experience. After researching, list down two to three top companies you would like to work with, analyze these thoroughly and choose the one you can trust for your roof's renovation!

Make your aims clear

Tell them your demands, choice of material and the end result you expect. You must keep yourself involved in the process. Keep in mind that the most convenient and readily used material is asphalt paper shingle, which falls next to ceramic shingles. These vary according to need and have many diverse advantages, such as resistance to water and other weather conditions. Consult experts to determine the roofing material that would be best for you, considering your climate. You must convey these details to your contractor very clearly, so as to get exactly what you want.

Consider your budget

While choosing this material, keep in mind your budget. If, for instant, you have a large budget, you can go for ceramic shingles. These are more expensive than asphalt paper shingles and are also more durable. They are also water proof and can withstand thermal shocks. Your final decision, however, must be made after considering your needs as well as your budget.

Basics to Building Surveyors   Waterproofing Your Basement Comes With These 7 Advantages!   The Basic Home Construction Process   

Here Are Things That You Should Know About Home Construction

Should the average homeowner know anything about home building and construction? Ideally, the answer to this question should be no because it is expected that the contractor be the one to take care of everything for the homeowner. The problem is that there are a lot of things that calls for some awareness on the part of the homeowner as far as knowledge about home construction is concerned.

One reason why a homeowner should know about home construction is so that they would know if they are really getting a good deal. How could they be aware if the contractor is cheating on the construction materials and methods if they know next to nothing about it?

Another good reason why a homeowner should know about home construction is so that he can be sure that his place would be able to withstand disasters which are becoming more frequent today. There are construction methods and materials that can make a home ready for anything.

Here are some of the basic things that you should know about home construction:

Configuration- You should consider the shape of your house in construction. A regular shape such as a square or even a rectangle can offer more strength when compared with an L-shaped building. So it is better to opt for a construction that's regular in shape and don't be too innovative when it comes to this.

Area- It is important that you check the area and its background for possible reasons why you might have to abandon the location later on. It would be a lot more costly if you have to do that after the house has been erected or the construction has already begun. Here are some things that you need to check:

• Proximity to rivers and lakes that might cause flooding in the area.

• The possibility of settlement of the ground due to being reclaimed.

• Presence of smoke and odor from industrial sources.

• The land depression of the area which will affect the laying of sewers and drains.

Geological Condition-You should check with the local authorities about the geological condition of the area where you are building houses on. The ideal location should have a rocky base where the foundation could have a solid base.

Orientation- You should also consider the orientation of your building. This was an important thing for most of the world's ancient civilizations, and they have traditions regarding this that have some practical application. Some Oriental cultures for example opt to build with their homes facing East, which aside from being auspicious would also bring in a flood of morning sunlight to the interior.

Bricks- If you are using red bricks for construction, they ought to be thoroughly soaked in water before each use. If the wall is going to be a long stretch then it would be a good idea to have an expansion joint after every 30 meters. Brick walls should also have strong reinforcements supporting them.

These are just some of the things that you ought to know when it comes to home construction. Of course it would help a lot if you have the best contractor that you can get.

Basics to Building Surveyors   Waterproofing Your Basement Comes With These 7 Advantages!   The Basic Home Construction Process   

Complete That Project Within Deadline With The Help Of A Mortar Mixer

Most construction projects, if not all, involve concrete and mortar. For you to ensure that you complete that construction project in time, you need to have reliable machinery and tools at your disposal. One of the machineries that you need is a mortar mixer, a machine that will help you in the mixing of concrete, cement and plaster for the construction needs. Traditionally, this mixing was manual by use of shovel. This was not only tiresome and time-consuming, but also gave low standard mixtures. For a durable building, the mortar mixture must be perfect. Today, this mixing is done by the use of efficient and time-saving mortar mixers.

There are two types of mixers, namely electric mixers and diesel/petrol mixers. The diesel mixers are among the first to be introduced to the construction industry, but are slowly being replaced by the electric ones. Both give high quality results, but have slight differences in terms of functionality. For instance, diesel mixers are noisy due to the engine compared to the silent electric ones. Also, the diesel mixers produce smoke, which is not environmentally friendly. Whereas, an electric mixer does not produce any smoke, thus it is preferred as an eco-friendly solution. As the name implies, electric mixers require an electric connection for working. The only advantage of the diesel mixer over electric mixer is that it does not rely on electricity to work. So, if your construction site doesn't have any port for electric connection, then you have to rethink before considering any electric mixer. Most construction sites do not need an electric connection until later construction stages.

The main advantage of using a mortar mixer is the fact that it is time-saving. A task that could have taken hours, if done manually, takes a few minutes when using a mortar mixer. Time is of essence to any contractor. Time saved is money saved. The other advantage is that the mixer is money-saving. Although the initial acquisition cost is high, the operating costs are very low. The amount spend on work force when mixing manually is much high compared to the amount you spend on the mixer. If buying a mixer is a problem, there is an option of hiring. Hiring is also pocket-friendly in the short run.

When buying a mortar mixer, you need to consider a number of factors. Some of these factors are motor, power, drive control box, mechanics and dimensions. On the motor issue, you need to buy a mixer that has a powerful motor, preferably a 4KW-three phase electric motor with 56 to 315 Rpms and a horsepower of 5.4. When it comes to power, a 200-260V single phase, with 50 Amp and 50-60 hertz can do. A good mixer will have booster pump, water prime, main power, stop/start, 3-speed step and reverse/forward switches. All these switches are on the drive control box allowing you to work easily. The mechanics involves the design and functionality of the mixer, so you have to check the following:

What is the cord gauge? How is the frame made? Is it welded? Is the stator adjustable? Are wheels pneumatic?

By buying a mortar, you take a step towards early completion of your construction project. You will not only deliver work in a timely manner, but also deliver quality and durable work, which is the main aim of every contractor.

Basics to Building Surveyors   Waterproofing Your Basement Comes With These 7 Advantages!   The Basic Home Construction Process   

Where Did Accountability Go?

Accountability is a term that I have been complaining about fairly regularly amongst my friends. As a student in JROTC, I was taught that accountability is pretty much everything, yet I can't help but notice that this concept has all but vanished from our business industries today. There are many examples of people no longer being accountable for their actions that I can list, yet one that I recently came across surprised me. The building industry in general typically has such high standards, or codes, that when I read about Sandra Bullock going to court with a building contractor over her home, I was intrigued.

The contractor selected to perform the construction of Sandra's 6.5 million dollar home in Texas was being sued for faulty installation/construction of several items including the roof, chimney, and windows. To support her case were other clients of this contractor's that had similar complaints, yet prior to a movie star, none had been able to take him to court due to items such as "binding arbitration" clauses present in the contracts. Among the list of problems that a home owner in this situation could face, many are potentially life threatening such as fire risks, severe allergies, and mold exposure. Less dangerous items would be things such as termites from rotten wood and an increased energy bill.

As I was reading this I thought that there was no way for the contractor to get out of this, yet stood baffled at the next section. The contractor was within the guidelines of the minimum standards of building code for the state of Texas. Even on a 6.5 million dollar home, unless stated in the contract specifically, the contractor building the house was not required by law to go above and beyond these standards. I was puzzled because I thought that these codes were in place for our protection, yet allowing fire hazards to be built into place does not sound very safe to me. Sandra was fortunate enough to not have the binding arbitration clause in her contract as this allowed her to go to court over the matter.

Issues like the one above still shock me. It is one thing to see a lack of accountability at a minimum wage job, yet in an industry where peoples livelihood is at stake is unacceptable. While fire can happen in any number of situations, a good construction of the home can help prevent a great deal of mold. Otherwise, mold can grow for years undetected, then cost thousands in medical bills and mold cleanup. To me, if a job isn't going to be done correctly, I would rather it not get done.

Basics to Building Surveyors   Waterproofing Your Basement Comes With These 7 Advantages!   The Basic Home Construction Process   

Post-Wedding Project: Building Your Dream Home

Looking to build a new house? If you just got married and you want to start building your home as you start a new family, there are certain things you need to take into account so you can have the house you've always dreamed of having.

Choosing the Location

Location takes one of the primary considerations when building a house. If possible, you want it to be near your place of work, as well as your spouse's. If you're planning to have children, you may also want to have it built at a location that's near a school. Proximity to business establishments like supermarkets and groceries should also be considered. Look into the community where you're going to have your house built as well. It would be ideal to look for a peaceful neighborhood where your house will be erected.


Needless to say, since you're just starting your family, you may not have the budget for big or fancy houses. If what you have in the bank does not allow for huge expenses, then going for kit homes would be the perfect solution. There are many affordable kit homes (read more about kit homes for sale) and there are various designs you can choose from as well. You can just inform the company providing the kit homes with your specifications and your house construction is good to go. Also, with kit homes, you no longer have to shell out extra cash to pay for an architect. This gives you a lot of savings.

Working with Nature

In this time wherein many things are done in eco-friendly ways, the lot you're going to purchase may already have existing flora in the property. Instead of removing them, you can work with what's already there and create a landscape that's in the harmony with the trees and plants. You may also plant additional trees and even flowers to give your property an organic look.

Working with Your Spouse

Building your home can also be a way for you and your spouse to do something together. Be sure to consider each other's suggestions without necessarily disagreeing on certain matters you may not be on the same page with. Learn to compromise. Your spouse may have a better design idea for a certain space or area in your house. Make the home-building project an opportunity for you to bond even more. When you work together, you'll be surprised at the many things you'll discover about your partner, which would make you get to know him or her even more.

Get the house of your dreams started. You can read more about kit homes for sale if building your home fast is what and your partner desire.

Basics to Building Surveyors   Waterproofing Your Basement Comes With These 7 Advantages!   The Basic Home Construction Process   

Why An Electric Cement Mixer Is The Best For Your Construction Project

Cement has become the most common building material, maybe because of its wide application in construction works. Visit any construction site, big or small, and you will realize that they are using cement. This widespread use of cement in the construction industry has led to the emergence of machinery that helps in the handling cement work. An example of such machinery is the cement mixer, a machine that help mix cement with water, sand or concrete to form mortar. Men have performed this task with spades and wheelbarrows for a long time.

The cement mixers came into existence to make things easier for everyone. There are mixers that use diesel or petrol while others use electricity. Different contractors will prefer to use one of the mixers to the other for different reasons. If you are a contractor and want your cement related tasks completed as early as possible, then you should invest in an electric cement mixer. This is a mixer powered by electricity. The main advantage of this mixer over the diesel or petrol powered ones is the cost-effectiveness. In many countries, electricity is much cheaper than petroleum products. For a contractor, delivering high quality work at the lowest cost possible is the main aim and thus, the electric-powered cement motor is the right choice for many.

Another advantage of the electric cement mixers is the automatic start and stop switch. This is not available in the diesel and petrol mixers. Diesel mixers are notorious for their failing to start, especially in cold and wet weather conditions. A job that took a group of men hours to complete can now be completed in minutes by use of this electric mixer. It does not only save on time, but it also saves on finances. It delivers quality mortar cheaply and efficiently.

Today, we are living in a world, where there are calls everywhere to safeguard the environment. One of the easiest ways to conserve the environment is by using clean energy. Electricity is a form of clean energy. By using an electric cement mixer, the contractor falls under the category of eco-efficient producers and this increases his goodwill in the eyes of clients and increases the chances of winning other contractors. Petrol and diesel mixers are environmentally unfriendly in the sense that they produce smoke and noise when working, which this leads to air pollution.

All the contractor needs to do is make sure that the construction site has an electricity construction. If there is no connection, then arrange one to ensure a connection is there before construction work commences. Also, to avoid inconveniences due to power disruptions, it is good to have a stand-by generator.

The electric motor is portable machinery, thanks to its pneumatic wheels. It is fitted with a heavy-duty long cable for electricity connection. You can move the mixer to the point where it is needed. This saves on time and efforts that could have otherwise been involved if it were not portable. As a contractor, your mixer of choice should be an electric one. Also, remember buying a machine, which is cheaper in the long run than hiring.

Basics to Building Surveyors   Waterproofing Your Basement Comes With These 7 Advantages!   The Basic Home Construction Process   

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